Illustrator Tips
A reference library of my favorite tips for Adobe Illustrator and other creative tools I use.
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Techniques for Using Adobe Illustrator's Shape Builder Tool
The Adobe Illustrator Shape Builder tool allows you to merge and cut shapes on the fly, but have you tried using it for trimming strokes and individual paths? Did you know the Shape Builder tool can also be used to color your artwork? In this post and demonstration video, I show you a powerful and versatile workflow to level up your vector illustration skills.
How to Join Paths and Anchor Points in Adobe Illustrator, plus The Join Tool
Start by selecting 2 anchor points with the Direct Selection tool and choose Object > Path > Join. In this post, I show you several ways of joining paths and anchor points in Adobe Illustrator and tips to make it easier.
Is Adobe Discontinuing Cloud Synced Files? What to Do.
Confused about Adobe discontinuing Creative Cloud Synced Files in February 2024? You're not alone! Check out this quick tutorial for a breakdown of what's affected and what you don't need to worry about.
Adventures in Adobe Illustrator Tech Support
How I solved my recent performance issues with Adobe Illustrator with help from senior Illustrator tech support.