Illustrator Tips
A reference library of my favorite tips for Adobe Illustrator and other creative tools I use.
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Version History for Illustrator Cloud Documents
To manage your Creative Cloud documents, use the Version History panel in Adobe Illustrator. This tutorial shows you how.
Illustrator on the iPad
Illustrator on the iPad takes the Pencil tool to another level of vector goodness. Watch my tutorials for tips on how to create and edit paths in Illustrator on the iPad.
Illustrator Eyedropper Tool Not Working?
Looking to add color inspiration from a photo to your artwork in Adobe Illustrator, but the eyedropper tool isn’t working? Hold the shift key as you click! What about sampling color from images outside of Illustrator?
Isometric Illustration Tips for Adobe Illustrator
A quick resource with condensed tips for isometric illustration. We begin by creating a custom isometric grid. Then, we use a formula for figuring out the dimensions for creating isometric artwork in the correct perspective.
Global Swatches & Color Groups
A quick Illustrator tutorial on Global Swatches and Color Groups. Learn about saving tints of your colors and creating swatches from selected art in Adobe Illustrator.
How to Use Recolor Artwork in Illustrator
Jump right in and learn how to use Recolor Artwork in just 5 minutes. Recolor Artwork is one of Illustrator’s most powerful and misunderstood features.
Illustrator Guides and Rulers Shortcuts
Are you shift double-clicking on your rulers? Here’s a quick cheat-sheet of keyboard shortcuts that make working with Rulers and Guides in Adobe Illustrator a snap!
White Lines in Illustrator Patterns
If your repeat pattern fill in Adobe Illustrator is showing white grid lines, or a tiling bug, here’s how to fix in a few easy steps. This method works great for both printing patterns and exporting them to work in Photoshop.
Get Great Color at Spoonflower Using Illustrator
How to make sure your Spoonflower design prints with the color you want, for Adobe Illustrator users. A tutorial on using the Spoonflower color map and color guide, along with the swatch libraries in Illustrator.
Editable Type Effects in Illustrator
In this simple tutorial, we’re going to create a live type effect in Adobe Illustrator to add depth to type. We’ll make a duplicate fill in the Appearance Panel, and use a Transform Effect to move the fill’s position, changing the depth of the effect.